It really wasn’t supposed to be this quiet…

It wasn’t supposed to take so long to get posts up…and it really wasn’t supposed to be so long between the last post and this one….Sometimes I really have to ask myself where the time went…Rundetarn Copenhagen 1-1

But the truth is, there’s been a lot going on; it seems that way anyway.  Work-wise, the day job is in full swing and it’s the time of year where we are nearly busiest and so for this mom, between trips here and trips there for  big clients and the daily grind at home with my smallest clients, there seems like there isn’t that much time left over.  I always seem to be one step behind.

And behind all of that is the also the realization that while the Scandinavian summer days are drawing out their length in the amount of sunlight hours (it’s not actually “dark dark” until past 11 in the evening!), the number of days that we have left here keeps getting shorter. It’s bittersweet to say the least.  I’d even say more bitter than sweet.  It will be wonderful to go home and have a new adventure, but I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that our hearts are breaking just a bit to know we will have to leave behind the home that we’ve built here.  It’s the deal…with our lifestyle, we know we can’t stay forever, but still even so, it’s always a bit of a surprise when the tab comes and it’s time to pack up.

This is the first time that we’re doing the move cycle with a child that’s old enough to understand, although not fully.  And she’s old enough to have her own emotions about it.  So as tickets get bought, and movers come to do surveys, and we tick off good-bye events and graduations and farewells with friends, there’s a roller coaster ride behind the scenes that everyone here is riding at their own pace, and that’s adding a bit of up and down to everything as well.

Nonetheless, there have been so many good adventures we’ve been on lately and I do promise to share them.  We have six weeks to go here, with forest school continuing to the very end, and we intend to make all of them count!

1 Comment

  1. […] hinted at this a bit a little while ago, but we’re in the full swing of good-byes here.  And it hasn’t been easy.  This move is so different compared to the one we made when […]


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