It was the best of times…

… It really was, and that’s all there is to it.  When I think of our time in Denmark, two things will always stick out for me as the most remarkable aspects of our experience.  One of those is the Danish maternity leave I got to enjoy – all 14 months of it.Closing out 14 months of maternity leave with a few thoughts on what we've learned in the forest school and Denmark.

I know most people will find that extremely generous.  It is… And most people will say that I was extremely lucky to get it…I was… I am the first to admit it.

It truly was the best of times that allowed me to step away safely from my own career for a little bit, and to really be involved  and present in both of my children’s lives.  One result of that was this little blog was born.  This little space, which grew by tiny leaps and bounds across the year, allows me to share a little more about the other great thing we have going on, the forest school.

This week, the maternity leave came to a close.  I am sad to see it go; it was, in many ways, a  “wonder year” for us.  I will always look back on it as a rosy, hazy time of youth and children and fresh air and play time – the sleepless nights I’ll barely remember (right?).

I also know that there are more adventures ahead for us in many other forms.  It might take me awhile to figure out a new balance between heading back to work, maintaining the fort solo, and the two blogs but we’ll get there.  There’s no reason why these best of times can’t get even better!

PS – Family photo by the ever awesome Valentina and Jack Photography

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