The Long Good-bye…

Long Goodbye-1I hinted at this a bit a little while ago, but we’re in the full swing of good-byes here.  And it hasn’t been easy.  This move is so different compared to the one we made when we first came here. As parents, we couldn’t have been more excited for the adventure.  But for our tot, at her age a move didn’t mean much.  Except a very long plane ride, and a new house… but the emotions related to change and ends and separation weren’t quite there yet.

This time, there are plenty of them.  At five, our tot has plenty of her own feelings about the upcoming move which involves a new house, a new school, a new nanny, a new just about everything…and it also involves a lot of questions people have for her about how she feels about going “home”.  Except for in her mind, her home is here.  Her house is here…Her life is here.

It’s been difficult, compounded by the fact that with this particular move we’ve signed up for the slow, regional train through the changes.  On one hand, it’s given us much more time to exit slowly, to enjoy all of our favorite things a while longer.  But as her forest school class has moved out to their summer school location (we go year round), and as friends tick off for vacation one by one, most not returning until after our departure, and as her favorite teachers do the same, it brings a lot of feelings regarding the change to the surface on almost a daily basis.  For her, and honestly, for me too.

We’ll get our adventures here on the page when we can…I think I might have underestimated how hard the good-byes might be for everyone.  But while there are a few tears, it doesn’t mean that there aren’t a lot of laughs and adventures and trips and friends and beach days…and perhaps one too many nights of “let’s have ice cream for dinner”… But we wouldn’t have it any other way.

1 Comment

  1. […] took our time saying good-bye, and took our time to get here…Instead of the plane, we took the slow boat, […]


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