In the Mood (Board) for Forest School…

We’re working on a couple of quick updates to this site over the next day or two to make it a little more functional and easier to get around.  In going through my files, I found my original mood board when thinking about chronicling our forest school adventures in the form of this blog, and thought it would be fun to share.  And you know what? I would still pretty much pull together the same thing if I had to start all over again…I can’t promise that we’re always 100% on it as I’m no designer, but we certainly try to capture the outside spirit of the school with the vibrance of toddlers.  Feel free to weigh in if  there is anything more or anything less of that you’d like to see!

A mood board to capture the forest  school for  this  toddler's education experience.

Image Sources: Straws // Tree Corks // Triangle Trees // Lobster and Roo Logo // Forest // The Pixel 500 Logo // Mushroom